Wholesale Handbags UK Kerry Wholesale LTD

* Please contact us on 0044(0)7888331390 and leave your payment details or by email ( xml202@hotmail.com ) for notify your bank transfer payment done.

* We ONLY accept payment by either Bank Transfer or Visa & Master credit / debit card.

* We do not accept American Express/ Cheque

* Once your order is ready, we will dispatch it straight away. If there are any problems we will give you a call back.

If there are out of stock items, we will deduct them from your final bill.

* You will not be charged if your order is not ready.

* New customer with a first order of over £500 will be required to pay by bank transfer.

* To all regular UK customers, we prefer payment by card.

* For international customers, we only accept bank transfer. A fee of £6 will be charged per transfer by the bank.

This fee will be added to your final bill.

Bank transfer ( BARCLAYS ):


Sort Code: 20-55-41

A/c No: 20363421

IBAN NO: GB39 BUKB 2055 4120 3634 21

Swift code: BUKBGB22